PSBs Significantly Improved Financial Health Since 2014

PSBs Significantly Improved Financial Health Since 2014 with finance seekhon

The Public Sector Banks (PSBs) of India have seen quite transformation recently. Underlining in a Friday speech the significant improvement in their financial status and resiliency since 2014, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. One can ascribe this encouraging change to a set of government policy programs.

What Are The Key Indicators Of PSB Strength

Profitability Surge: Comparatively to ₹36,270 crore in FY14, PSBs reported their highest-ever net profit of ₹1.41 trillion in FY24, an amazing four times greater.

Reduced NPAs: A main issue for PSBs, non-performing assets (NPAs) have seen a sharp drop. Comparatively to 3.92% in March 2015 and a peak of 7.97% in March 2018, net NPAs fell to a respectable 0.76% in March 2024, well below. Declining to 3.47% in March 2024, the gross NPA ratio also followed a similar pattern.

Increased Credit Flow: With a notable increase to 16% in FY24, bank credit expansion—non-food—showcased the highest growth in the past ten years. This shows a better financial situation allowing PSBs to lend more efficiently.

Enhanced Resilience: The indicator of a bank’s readiness for possible loan default, the provisioning coverage ratio (PCR), has dropped dramatically. Rising to a good 92.99% in March 2024 from 45.04% in 2015, it demonstrated better resilience.

Stronger Capital Adequacy:  The capital adequacy ratio (CRAR) has significantly changed and is now a main indicator of a bank’s ability to withstand financial losses. Rising from 11.45% in March 2015 to 15.53% in March 2024, it shows PSB capital basis is more robust.

Improved Market Access: Reforms have improved PSBs’ capacity for market capital raising. Between FY15 and FY24, they have mobilized an impressive ₹4.34 trillion.

The administration is still dedicated to progressively strengthening and steadying the banking sector. These initiatives will guarantee that PSBs remain the foundations of India’s economic development path toward a “Viksit Bharat,” (developed India) by 2047.

PSB’s financial turn-around is not limited to figures. It really affects the lives of common Indians. Here’s how:

Easier Access to Credit: PSBs are now better able to provide loans to companies and people with enhanced capital sufficiency. This can inspire small enterprises, boost entrepreneurship, and enable people to follow their financial aspirations—that of purchasing a car or house.

Lower Borrowing Costs: Loan borrowing rates can drop if PSBs efficiently control their risks and grow increasingly profitable. More reasonably priced loans for companies and consumers follow from this, which eventually helps to boost economic activity.

Financial Inclusion: Promoting financial inclusion can depend much on a better PSB system. Expanding their reach, especially in rural regions, PSBs can offer necessary banking services to a larger population, therefore encouraging more financial literacy and official economic involvement.

Increased Investor Confidence: The better financial situation of PSBs raises investor trust in the Indian banking industry. This can draw more domestic and international investments, therefore supporting more economic growth and development.

Obstacles To Overcome & The Path Forward

While the progress is undeniable, challenges remain. There’s a need for continued efforts to:

  • Improve Operational Efficiency: Using technology and simplifying internal procedures will enable PSBs to lower expenses and enhance service delivery.
  • Address Governance Issues: Maintaining PSB’s financial stability and public confidence will depend on robust corporate governance policies.
  • Adapt to a Changing Landscape: The emergence of fintech and other financial institutions calls for constant innovation and PSB adaption to be competitive.


For the Indian economy, PSB’s reactivation marks a noteworthy change. Focusing on financial health, operational efficiency, and innovation would help PSBs to remain essential in India’s path toward a better and more inclusive financial future.

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